Finished chair - progression follows

Last year I built six of these iconic green woodworking chairs for our kitchen table and this year I decided to make three more as a demonstration for my Brown County Woodworking Club.

A progression of paper cord weaving. The first 7 rows are applied only to the front row to help close the difference between the front and back rail lengths. All other rows after that go in a continuous weave all teh way around the chair.

The chair style is a pretty classic east coast Appalachian country chair, but the design and construction was refined into a very elegant chair by thinning the profiles and standardizing the jigs and assembly by John (Jennie) Alexander in the 1970's until their death a few years ago.

I highly encourage you to go to the Lost Art Press website where they sell books, videos and templates for this chair.

I completed all the joinery and sanding a few weeks ago and over the course of this week I put 6 coats of boiled linseed oil / mineral spirits / spar varnish on the chair. This weekend I did teh final weaving with paper cord. Paper cord is essentially thick brown paper like a paper bag that comes in long continuous coils. When twisted into a braid and stretched it is quite strong and still readily available.

9 chairs Finished!