Thursday, September 30, 2021

[New post] 545 St Laurent Blvd, Unit 2404 | Luxurious Corner Unit at Le Parc

triciaechlin posted: " Welcome to Le Parc! This gorgeous 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom corner unit condo has great views, and luxurious upgrades. Not to mention great amenities - without leaving the property you can go for a swim (indoor or outdoor), a steam, play a round of squash, a"

[New post] Tried And True Real Estate Investing Tips

sellmiamirealestate posted: "Real estate investments can get you on the path to financial freedom. If you want success, you have to understand what has led to others finding success. Don't become a victim of a bad deal in real estate and make sure you read over these great real estat"

[New post] Dallas Area Residential sales Report for August – McKinney, TX

Marie Walton, CRS, GRI, Ebby Halliday, Realtors posted: "Dallas Area Residential sales Report for August - McKinney, TX Sales slowed. Prices rise. home sales declined by 15% compared to last August. Pending sales fell 3%. The average sales price increased 30% and the median sales price rose 32% as buy"

[New post] រដ្αž‹αž”ាαž›αžšាαž‡αž’ាαž“ីαž—្αž“ំαž–េαž‰αž€ំαž–ុαž„αž‚ិαžαž‚ូαž–ីវឌ្αžαž“αž—ាαž–αž›ើαž•ែαž“αž€ាαžšαž’αž—ិវឌ្αžαž‘ីαž€្រុαž„αž†្αž›ាតវៃ

វុត្ថា posted: "ដោαž™ៈសុαž‡ាតា αž—្αž“ំαž–េαž‰ៈ αž€ំណើαž“αž”្αžšαž‡ាαž‡αž“αž›ើαž–ិαž—αž–αž›αž›ោαž€ αž”ាαž“αž€ើαž“αž‘ើαž„αž‚ួαžšαž€αž់សំαž‚ាαž›់αž“ាαžšαž™ៈαž€ាαž›αž”៉ុαž“្មាαž“αž‘αžŸαžœαž្សរ៍αž…ុαž„αž€្រោαž™αž“េះ។ αž€ារណ៍αž“េះ αž”ាαž“αž”αž„្αž€αž‡ាសម្αž–ាαž’αž›ើαž’αž“αž’ាαž“ ហេដ្αž‹ាαžšαž…αž“ាសម្αž–αž“្αž’ αž”αžšិស្ថាαž“ αž“ិαžšαž“្αžαž—ាαž–αžŸαž„្αž‚αž˜ αž“ិαž„ សេដ្αž‹αž€ិαž…្αž… αž“ៅαž€្αž“ុαž„αž‘ីαž€្រុαž„ ខណៈដែαž›αžαž˜្រូαžœαž€ារមាαž“αž€ើαž“αž‘ើαž„αž‡ាαž”αž“្αžαž”αž“្αž‘ាαž”់។ αž€"

[New post] មូαž›αžŠ្αž‹ាαž“αž‚្រឹះαž…ំαž“ួαž“αŸ¦ សម្រាαž”់αž™αž€αž˜αž€αž–ិαž…ារណាមុαž“αžŸαž˜្រេαž…αž…ិត្αžαž‘ិαž‰αž’αž…αž›αž“αž‘្αžšαž–្αž™

វុត្ថា posted: "ដោαž™ៈវឌ្αžαž“ៈ αž—្αž“ំαž–េαž‰ៈ វិស័αž™αž’αž…αž›αž“αž‘្αžšαž–្αž™αž្រូαžœαž”ាαž“αž…ាត់αž‘ុαž€αžា αž‡ាវិស័αž™αž˜ួαž™αž€ំαž–ុαž„αž˜ាαž“αž€ាαžšαž–េαž‰αž“ិαž™αž˜ αž“ិαž„αž˜ាαž“αž”្αžšαž‡ាαž”្រិαž™αž្αž›ាំαž„αž“ៅαž€្αž“ុαž„αž”្αžšαž‘េαžŸαž€αž˜្αž–ុαž‡ា αž‡ាαž€់ស្ដែαž„αž‘ោះαž”ីស្ថិαžαž“ៅαž€្αž“ុαž„αžŸ្ថាαž“αž—ាαž–αž“ៃវិαž”αž្តិαž™៉ាαž„αžŽាαž€្ដី αž€៏វិស័αž™αž“េះαž“ៅតែαž‘αž‘ួαž›αž”ាαž“αž€ាαžšαž‘ិαž‰ αž›αž€់αž‡ាαž”αž“្αžαž”αž“្αž‘ាαž”់ដដែαž›។ ដូαž…្αž“េះដើម្αž”ីឱ្αž™"

Wax, Chairmaking Qs& As, the 1st B.S. Chair & More!

View this email in your browser Wax, Chair Questions (Among Others), A Chair from Home Center Materials & More A quick look at...