I never thought it possible, but I snapped my Antique Disston saw vice from over tightening it. Cast iron is real crap. I don't know if I was over tightening it to be honest but it snapped like a dry twig. I tell you what, I won't be buying another antique saw vice and I caution you not too either. It hurts but as not as much as I thought it would. Yeah it was a good vice for small saws, but 24" and above, no not so good. I'll be making myself first a temp vice to finish off my sharpening then I'll be on the hunt for some good ideas. All this hand work must've have given me super human strength. I can now break iron with my bare hands. I've seen many hand planes lately on FB that are cracked from being dropped. Drop a Lie Nielsen plane and nothing will happen to it. Oh maybe you'll dent the corner or side but it will not break. This is why I say I'll take a reproduction of a vintage or antique any day of the week. Yes they made quality tools once upon a time but the iron they used if dropped will break. It's a shame a bit of history has broken but I will get it welded and put it aside for safe keeping.

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