Monday, October 21, 2024

How do I do 'X' in Woodworking?

How do I…? &

A quick look at all the stuff Lost Art Press published during the last seven days.

Chris and I leave Friday to teach in the U.K. (and Kale is joining us a week later for a whirlwind visit to Wales), so we're busy buttoning up as much as possible here before we leave. And if all goes to plan, I'll arrive home to sign copies of "Dutch Tool Chests," which should arrive in our warehouse at about the time I'm boarding the plane at Heathrow. We were busy last week, too (heck – we're almost always busy). Last Sunday, I finished up my first Dutch tool class in two years, with a bevy of excellent students from The Chairmaker's Toolbox (so for me, last week was catching up on what I didn't do while getting ready for the class the week before!). Here's a wrap-up of what was on the blog and Substacks over the last seven days.

Lost Art Press Blog

Open Wire

If you have a question about woodworking, chances are someone has asked it already, and we've answered (OK – mostly Chris has answered, as the questions these days are mostly chair related). Have a look at the 143 Q&As from Saturday (and join us for the ext Open Wire on Nov. 16).

Chair Classes in Germany & Australia

I'd love to visit Australia…but the flight scares me. Not so for Chris, who will be traveling there in October 2025 for Wood Dust, two chair classes and a little R&R with his wife, Lucy. He'll also be visiting Germany in July for a couple classes.

A Rosewood Heist

Our friend Michael O'Brien sent us this fascinating article from YaleEnvironment360 about a massive heist of this endangered wood – $50 million (at least) worth is now in legal limbo.

A Sermon on Stick Chairs

Chairmaker and LAP author John Porritt gave a talk on stick chairs at the Old Austerlitz Historical Society. Our friend Brian Crawley reports from the scene.

The American Peasant Substack

My Lucky Scars

A pumpkin-carving incident at age 11 led Chris to embrace his scars – both on his body and on a treasured tool.

(Free for everyone)

Hysteresis: The Reason Wood Movement Ain't Such a Big Deal

A lot of the furniture forms seem to defy the laws of wood movement. The cross-grain constructions in some chairs, six-board chests, sideboards, bookcases, music stands and cupboards – all pieces Chris has built – should have wrecked these works years ago. Here's why they (and centuries-old pieces) are still together.

(For paid subscribers, with a free preview)

The Anarchist's Apprentice Substack

Workspace Series: Willard Desk & Library

A look at Kale's computer desk (one of the trestle tables from "The Anarchist's design Book") and our editorial office.

(Free for everyone)

Walk Softly & Carry Only Chair Sticks

Thanks goodness – I think we get to stay.

(Free for everyone)

Never Sponsored Substack

Low-cost & Wholly Acceptable Coping Saws

You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a decent coping saw. (But the blade you choose makes a huge difference.)

(For paid subscribers, with a free preview)

On Instagram This Week

This weekend was the BLINK festival in downtown Cincinnati and Covington – an immersive experience of art and light. With thousands of people roaming the streets, we decided to clean up the future home of our store, so folks could enjoy the view.

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