Saturday, May 25, 2024

LAP Open Wire, May 25, 2024

LAP Open Wire
May 25, 2024

a black cat looking at a wooden toy train on a table

Chris is already hard at work (shocking, I know) on a second LOTR-inspired chair, and I'm belaboring every word in my Dutch tool chest book manuscript. But we're also here to answer your burning hand-tool woodworking questions. Or cat questions. Or late 19th- early 20th-century Russian literature questions (that's Chris, not me; he contains multitudes). So post 'em in the comments below, and we'll answer.

Comments will close at around 5 p.m.

– Fitz

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Digest oct 8

View this email in your browser Lost Art Press Digest, Oct 8, 2024 The Hobbit-y Chair (from The Stick Chair Journal no. 2). Lost ...