Like much of the rest of the world, I've been watching coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I'm horrified at the destruction and loss of life and at the brazenness of the attack against a neighboring sovereign democracy.

I'm in awe of the courage and resolve of the Ukrainian people to defend their homeland. There are many ordinary citizens who have been given guns to defend their cities and villages. Apparently, some are making homemade bombs from instructions given on television. I don't know that I would be able to do that myself and pray that I am never in such a terrible position that I would have to find out.

I'm also amazed at the courage of some Russian citizens who are protesting Putin's aggression against Ukraine. There have been protests in 54 cities and many arrests. Some prominent people have spoken out publicly, including sports heroes. They are risking their careers and their freedom to speak out against the war.

I wish there was more that I could do to help the Ukrainians but I know I have no power to do so. I understand that the US as part of NATO has taken many actions to try to punish Putin and his oligarchy for this attack but they won't directly intervene to protect the Ukrainian population. I'm worried that Russia will assassinate Ukrainian President Zelenskyy with the rest of the world looking on and unable to stop it. That they will put in place a Kremlin-backed dictator. That millions of Ukrainians will suffer from violence and deprivation for years as they try to reestablish themselves as an independent democracy.

And the rest of the world will be powerless to stop it.
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