I am not at all diligent about my blog stats, but WordPress continues to throw some info into my notifications, so I know that I've just reached 1500 WordPress followers!

My blog page itself says I have 1,682 followers, which includes followers by email, twitter, and through my Top of JC's Mind Facebook page.

Either way, yay!

I know that only a few dozen people read my blog on any kind of regular basis and fewer than that comment online, although it still takes me by surprise when I get comments in person from friends, as though I think only cyberfolks read my blog.

Whoever you are, whether you read regularly, occasionally, or just this one post, I'm grateful for your visit and invite you to return whenever you can. This is my 1,561st post, so, whether your interest is poetry, politics, the environment, spirituality, family life, health, or generalized musings, you can probably find something of interest in my archives.

This year, I'm hoping to pay more attention to my "JC's Confessions" and "How does JC's Mind Work?" series.

Admittedly, that involves my mind actually working. These last few years have been such a struggle as our family has dealt with the loss of the last three members of the elder generation, B's mom, known here as Grandma, and my parents, known here - and in real life - as Nana and Paco. Grief still has me feeling scattered, but I'm trying to regain some focus. Maybe, eventually, I'll even return to having some kind of a predictable rhythm to my days, including writing time. It's been ages since I've had that.

We'll see.

Whatever happens, I'm sure I will eventually put it into words here at Top of JC's Mind.
Join us for Linda's Just Jot It January! Learn more here: https://lindaghill.com/2022/01/02/daily-prompt-jusjojan-the-2nd-2022/

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