It is only natural that many investors, especially those new to the game, would prefer to buy stocks of "sexy" stocks with a good history, even if those companies are losing money. But the reality is that when a company loses money every year, its investors usually bear their share of those losses.
On the other hand, if you like companies that have income and even make profits, then this might interest you Ares commercial property (NYSE: Acre). While that doesn't make stocks worth at any cost, there is no denying that successful capitalism ultimately requires profit. While a well-funded business can suffer years of losses unless its owners have an endless appetite to subsidize the customer, it has to make a profit at some point or else take its last breath.
Check out our latest analysis for Ares Commercial Real Estate
Ares Commercial Real Estate's earnings per share are growing.
As one of my mentors once told me, the share price follows earnings per share (EPS). This means that EPS growth will be viewed as truly positive by the most successful long-term investors. Ares Commercial Real Estate was able to increase profits by 12% per year over three years. That's a good rate of growth if it can be sustained.
I like to see sales growth as a sign of sustainable growth and look for a high margin before interest and tax (EBIT) to indicate a competitive advantage (although some low margin companies also have competitive advantages). I am finding that Ares Commercial Real Estate's operating revenues have been lower than revenues for the past twelve months, which could skew my analysis of margins. Ares Commercial Real Estate maintained stable EBIT margins over the past year while increasing revenue 73% to $ 97 million. That's really positive.
The graph below shows how the company's pay and profit lines have evolved over time. For finer details click on the picture.
The story goes on
Revenue-and-revenue history
Of course, the trick is to find stocks that have their best days in the future, not the past. You can of course base your opinion on past performance, but you can also check this interactive graph with the EPS forecasts made by professional analysts for Ares Commercial Real Estate.
Are Commercial Real Estate Insiders Targeted to All Shareholders?
It makes me safer to own shares in a company when insiders also own shares and thus our interests are better aligned. As a result, I am encouraged by the fact that insiders own shares in Ares Commercial Real Estate worth a considerable amount. In fact, they hold $ 24 million worth of shares. That's a lot of money and no small incentive to work hard. Even if that's only about 3.3% of the company, it's enough to show the match between the company's executives and the common stockholders.
It means a lot to see insiders invest in the business, but I wonder if the compensation policy is shareholder friendly. A brief analysis of CEO compensation suggests that it is. For companies with a market capitalization between $ 400 billion and $ 1.6 billion, like Ares Commercial Real Estate, the average CEO salaries are around $ 2.4 million.
The CEO of Ares Commercial Real Estate only received total compensation of $ 630,000 for the past year. That looks like a modest salary to me and can indicate a certain respect for the interests of the shareholders. While board pay isn't a huge factor for the company in my opinion, modest pay is positive as it suggests that the board is keeping shareholders' interests in mind. I would also argue that a reasonable salary level generally testifies to good decision making.
Should you add Ares Commercial Real Estate to your watchlist?
On the positive side for Ares Commercial Real Estate, EPS is growing. That's nice to see. The fact that earnings per share are growing is a real plus for Ares Commercial Real Estate, but the beautiful picture gets even better. Given the CEO's modest salaries and the sizeable proportion of insiders, I think he is at least worth a watch list. You still need to be aware of risks, for example – Ares Commercial Real Estate has 4 warning signs (and 2 that shouldn't be ignored) we think you should know.
While Ares Commercial Real Estate certainly looks good to me, I'd prefer insiders to buy stocks. If you want to see inside buying as well, this is it free Growing Company List Buying Insider Might Be Just What You Are Looking For.
Please note that the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction.
This article from Simply Wall St is of a general nature. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell shares and does not take into account your goals or your financial situation. Our goal is to provide you with long-term, focused analysis based on fundamentals. Note that our analysis may not take into account the latest company announcements or quality material, which may be sensitive to the price. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned.
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