The American Peasant Substack
The Legerdemain System
"There has to be a special word for this sort of Devilish Device. Oh yes, I forgot. That word is 'Omnijig.'"
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Update on the Chair Legs
"After some helpful comments on yesterday's entry on home center chair legs, I returned to the home center to check out the home center's oak closet rods and the replacement wheelbarrow handles. Could these be chair legs?"
(Free for everyone)
Earlywood: Tools Are a Burden
"Sometime in the late 1990s I had three full sets of chisels – Marples Blue Chips, Ashley Iles and some fine blue-steel Japanese chisels. But instead of enjoying the fact that I had more chisels than my father, grandfather or uncle, I was grumpy."
The Anarchist's Apprentice Substack
Pathfinding & Breadcrumbs
"Step No. 1 when teaching a woodworking apprentice: The teacher must accept they are inadequate for the task. The craft is too vast. Their experience in it (no matter how much they have) is too small. As a result, apprentices need more than one teacher. About a dozen are required – at least." – Chris
(For paid subscribers, with a free preview)
A Challenge a Day
"…I've done a lot of growing that I'm proud of during my time (almost a year now) at Lost Art Press. But there is one thing that I've struggled with since the beginning of my woodworking journey and continue to struggle with today.
"That thing is speed." – Kale
(For paid subscribers, with a free preview)
Never Sponsored Substack
Dubuque Bar Clamps for Furniture Work
"The Dubuques are perfectly suited for furniture work, are incredibly lightweight and are made in Iowa by a family run business. Oh, and I think the price is a steal for the quality."
(For paid subscribers, with a free preview – though the above is a pretty good hint at the conclusion…)